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South Park Commons Fund
South Park Commons Fund

Product Designer

Power Life Science

Power Life Science

Product, Design
Posted on Friday, June 2, 2023

Product Designer

🧬 Let's accelerate medical innovation

At Power, we're making clinical trials easy to navigate for all patients.
Today, patients look to promising medical research when standard treatments have failed them. Unfortunately, there is no single source of truth that patients can understand and trust. The status quo is a government run website which is written in complex medical jargon that is impossible for most people to navigate.
At the same time, clinical trials are the bottleneck on medical innovation—new medicine takes almost 10 years to test and over 86% of all clinical trials are delayed because they can't find enough patients. This is one of the biggest problems facing the life science industry.
Power is the easiest way for patients to access promising new studies. Thus helping more patients find treatments and speeding up the progress of medical research as we go.

🏹 The role

We're building our foundational team and looking for a senior product designer to leave their mark on Power. You'll have an immediate and direct influence on the products we choose to build. Ideally, you're a product designer at heart with some strong opinions on UX and research. You're looking to design a company, not a set of features.
Given how early we are, you'll have tremendous impact on:
Our company culture
Our design philosophy
The people we hire
The products we deliver
While we have a product live, we expect this person to play a central role in shaping all of our design decisions moving forward (from our product to our brand).

🤔 Some of the problems we'll be working on

We don't believe in strict job requirements, but if these problems sound fun and familiar, you're probably well suited for this gig:
Building a delightful product for patients
Helping patients discover and assess clinical trial options in the face of complex medical jargon
Establishing a design philosophy and system for our company
Going deep on the patient and researcher experience to be a representative of their voice on our team (qualitatively and quantitatively)
Designing products that play nice with the workflows of healthcare operators

🔎 The product

Power is the most patient-friendly marketplace resource for clinical trials.
Comprehensive: we make it easy to search across every trial in North America so patients never feel like they have blind spots
Simple: we apply a healthy amount of data engineering and empathy to the reams of unstructured medical data on clinical trials to simplify things for patients that are trying to evaluate potential trials
Connected: we help patients proactively reach out to the researchers directly and researchers love connecting with motivated patients

👋 The team

We're a team of experienced marketplace operators with backing from some of the best across health tech and pharma.
Check out our team page

✉️ If this sounds like your kind of adventure

We'd love to hear from you. Email [email protected]
In lieu of a cover letter, tell us about something you've built that you're proud about (or better yet, show us)!


What is the culture like at Power?
A few values stand out: urgency, selflessness, agency, pragmatism. We’re looking for owners, so we hope you’ll help us expand this list.
What's your approach to remote work?
We're a remote-first team at Power, and plan to remain as such post-pandemic. That said, we've budgeted for quarterly team off sites over the course of the next year, as we believe work is more fun when you have a deep personal relationship with your colleagues.
What are the requirements? Do I need certain years of experience, or a background in healthcare?
We have no 'formal' experience requirement, but think it's important that our earliest team members are highly autonomous.
This means that you've been accountable for building large pieces of a product users love.
Inversely, if you're at a point in your career where active mentorship is very important to you, this role likely isn't a fit for you.
How is the work life balance?
At the highest level: we trust team members to manage their own schedules and we believe that taking time off to recharge makes you more productive in the long run.
The truth about early stage companies and small teams is that everyone’s work makes a big difference on the company’s trajectory. We’re not afraid to work hard if it’s impactful.
Typically, we check out around 6pm to protect family time and then log-in later to finish anything that was left undone.
How are you funded?
Happy to share specifics but we've raised a large seed round from top investors. We've intentionally raised enough to comfortably get us through the messy 0 to 1 stage.
How does your interview process look?
2x Experience Interviews
1x Technical Interview
After which, we'd love to pay you to work with us for ~2 days, so you can get a sense of what it's like to work together.
How big is this market?
Clinical trial recruiting is $3B dollars annually. Total spend on clinical trial operations is $180B annually.
Diversity is a priority for our team. Historically, clinical research has been terrible about including diverse populations. This is problematic because the efficacy and safety of medicine may differ by age, sex, race, and ethnicity. As a result, we draw healthcare conclusions that don’t actually reflect the outcomes for various groups (source).
Power exists to empower all patients, and that starts with having a diverse team.